Before loading your grain jars or bags, make sure the grains are dry enough. An easy test is to grab a paper towel and lay a few grains from the middle of your batch. Leave for 15 seconds.
Pasteurization and Over-Hydration Of Spawn Or Substrate
Too much moisture. One of the most common mistakes a new cultivator makes and almost always leads to contamination.
Let’s talk about STERILIZATION
When sterilizing substrates, grains, and agar mixtures, search for a pressure cooker that can hold a pressure of 15 PSI, which allows for a steam temperature of 250°F. Hot enough to eliminate any competing mold or bacteria, giving the desired mushroom species the best chance of survival.
Contamination From Substrates
The best substrates for growing mushrooms are also the best substrates for many types of molds and bacteria. One of the most common sources of contamination in mushroom cultivation is due to incomplete sterilization or inadequate pasteurization of your spawn or bulk substrate. These competing contaminants and the dormant spores that naturally exist in bulk […]
How to Create An Inoculation Room
A bathroom or spare bedroom is the next best location for your lab. No matter which room you choose to set up your lab, if you are using a SAB, it’s best to shut any HVAC vents in the room you are working in before cleaning and setup.
What is a Still Air Box (SAB) vs. Flow Hood?
When properly cleaned and sanitized, the Still Air Box creates a semi-sterile environment where stray floating fungal, viral, and bacterial matter cannot penetrate or tumble down from above
Contamination Prevention For Mushroom Growers
A single mold spore can wreck all your hard work. So, how can you keep troublesome contaminants from ruining your work after months of hard work and materials invested?